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Editorial services, website auditing, usability improvement, e-marketing and other services aimed to save time as well as money of a customer and moreover to achieve the highest results working with a website.

Additional services

Website renting

Website leasing is the assignment of a fulfilled website for temporary use with an opportunity to insert contact data and additional information.

Website leasing perfectly matches those who prefer to get more information about Internet market and to decide whether it is profitable to have a website or not.

Website is a compulsory attribute of every modern company.

Pricing – from 3 000 rub a month

Renting procedure

  • Potential renter provides the information about renter’s products and services.
  • The specialists of our company according to this information offer a set of websites to choose from.
  • After the renter has chosen a website the company concludes a rental agreement.
  • Our specialists place renter contacts, information about renter company on the website and alter the content of the website if it is necessary.
  • The invoices are issued annually.
  • The payment of a bill is considered as the renewal of a renting agreement.

Website leasing limitation

The renter may add pages to a website but cannot delete already existing pages (these pages may be only unpublished and not seen for visitors)

Website leasing advantages

  • You don’t have to lose your time for website development.
  • You don’t have to lose your time for website filling.
  • The renter gets targeted audience immediately after paying the bill.
  • The renter gets a full-fledged website which gives benefit at once attracting the targeted audience.

Website leasing perfectly matches those who prefer to get more information about Internet market and to decide whether it is profitable to have a website or not.

If the usage of a rented website is profitable the renter may buy the website out.

Renting period – 1 month


About company

Continually optimizing the business processes and constantly improving the quality of websites we develope, we exert every effort to ensure that our clients are satisfied with the cooperation with Dorifor company.


Address: 8 Lobanova str., Moscow

Phone: + 7 (495) 933 6845/46

E-mail: info@dorifor.ru

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Any use of materials from the website www.dorifor.ru is allowed only with the permission of the copyright owner.