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Forgot your password? and follow the instructions.Header animation is commonly used to vivify and enliven website pages.
As compared with static versions animated maps and schemes have great advantages: they are obvious and convenient, more functional and eye-catching. Moreover they help to create company style complementing company identity.
The creation of animated characters is a well known commonly used method in advertising. In this case it is extremely important that a character is eye-catching, appropriate for the particular products and services and sticks to users memory as it may happen that a well chosen animated character will subsequently become your company’s symbol.
As an introduction on home pages Flash reels are commonly used to create necessary atmosphere and to represent the sphere the company works in. Moreover Flash reels may be used in corporate presentations of the company, as they are untrivial and separate products which may be used independently.
The price - from 6 100 rub.
Continually optimizing the business processes and constantly improving the quality of websites we develope, we exert every effort to ensure that our clients are satisfied with the cooperation with Dorifor company.
Address: 8 Lobanova str., Moscow
Phone: + 7 (495) 933 6845/46
E-mail: info@dorifor.ru