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Forgot your password? and follow the instructions.At our presentation we tell our clients about the projects developed by our company, explain the difference between standard
and specific projects and demonstrate the technologies used by our company to create websites and systems of different levels of complexity. Representing our company and projects created in the company our specialists answer all the questions of the customer. The main object of the presentation is to get acquainted with the client and to understand the main objectives which are to be achieved within this particular project.
At this stage it is necessary to define to what type the new project may be referred. According to our internal classification there are two types of projects:
Variant A - Standard projects,
Variant B - Specific projects.
Standard projects
To standard project type we refer the projects which design, navigation system and functionality correspond to one of given below variants:
Specific project
Specific projects are based on exclusive design, unique navigation system and special functionality defined by the Customer. We determine the most appropriate solutions for the particular project working in close cooperation with the customer thoroughly defining customer preferences and ideas. Our specialists analyze the project objectives which are to be achieved. The results of such analysis are processed and compiled in a commercial offer. This commercial offer is supplied to the Customer with recommendations and comments according to the most suitable solutions for the particular company .
Contract parties sign website creation agreement which includes the defined ultimate price and execution period. Moreover contract parties sign an appendix to the agreement which contain information about selected and approved design, navigation bar and functionality.
The process of specific website development is divided into two steps.
The first step is to create a Project statement. Contract parties sign an agreement for Project statement creation. The main objective of Project statement creation is to provide full description of the project based on exclusive design and functionality. The whole process of Project statement development is carried out in close cooperation with customers. The result of the first step is the document which fully describes new website, concretizes the technologies
which will be used for website creation and defines the ultimate price for the development process
Subsequent work of website creation is fulfilled in strict compliance with the Project statement.
The second step is website development. The parties sign website development agreement compliant with adopted and approved by the customer
Project statement which includes the defined ultimate price and execution period.
Website programming, testing, formal acceptance of a created project by the customer, website publishing, accounting records creation.
The parties sign a hosting and technical support contract.
According to customer request we offer SEO of a website.
The creation of Websites is a multilayered process. Detailed information about prices, services and the whole procedure of website creation you may get on a page «About websites».
Continually optimizing the business processes and constantly improving the quality of websites we develope, we exert every effort to ensure that our clients are satisfied with the cooperation with Dorifor company.
Address: 8 Lobanova str., Moscow
Phone: + 7 (495) 933 6845/46
E-mail: info@dorifor.ru