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Website creation, Web portal, web stores, B2B development, technical support, web hosting and maintenance, software development, server platforms localization, Intranet and Extranet development.

Website Development

Corporate website

«Corporate» website is a powerful tool of business development. Corporate websites are related to the projects of some higher level than websites «Landing page» or «Informative».


Besides informative function «Corporate» website carries out more complex tasks such as to organize close cooperation of the company with the clients and partners.

Website is a compulsory attribute of every modern company.

The price - 169 900 rub.


«Corporate» websites are recommended for the companies aimed to use the website as a tool to active customer engagement and collaboration.

«Corporate» website development process includes:

  • Website creation up to 200 pages with Content Management System including the following sections: About us, Pricing, Contacts, Feedback form, News, Image gallery, Data files and Website navigation map
  • The catalogue with Content Management System (an executor creates the catalogue structure; the customer fills the tables with the information). The function of product ordering is not included
  • Website structure map
  • Navigation bar
  • An opportunity to add website Search engine
  • Design development
  • Filling the website with the information about the company (The Customer provides the content for the website)
  • Filling in the product catalogue - up to 50 commodity items
  • We provide the Customer with the access to the Content Management system so that the Customer may manage the website independently
  • We install website traffic statistics counter Liveinternet.ru for free
  • Two hours-long training “How to work with the Content Management System”.
  • Free of charge website hosting for 14 days.
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*The alterations which may be implemented into the web design concept:

  1. Font size, style and color of headers and texts.
  2. Renaming and sequence alteration of menu-items.
  3. Menu-items removal.
  4. Menu-items addition in case when the addition does not cause changes and shifting of other design elements and information blocks.
  5. Color palette alteration within the tints used in layout (darker or lighter).
  6. Alteration of symbolic elements of the website (telephone number, address, slogan and etc.) if there are such elements. The alteration is accomplished in case that it does not cause modification or replacement of other elements of website design and informational blocks.

The whole number of alterations implemented in a particular web design may be up to 5.

The number of standard design concepts may be defined by a customer.
The first concept of standard design is included into the project price .
We offer the creation of a second and the following concepts for additional price

About company

Continually optimizing the business processes and constantly improving the quality of websites we develope, we exert every effort to ensure that our clients are satisfied with the cooperation with Dorifor company.


Address: 8 Lobanova str., Moscow

Phone: + 7 (495) 933 6845/46

E-mail: info@dorifor.ru

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Any use of materials from the website www.dorifor.ru is allowed only with the permission of the copyright owner.