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Editorial services, website auditing, usability improvement, e-marketing and other services aim to save time as well as money of a customer and moreover to achieve the highest results working with a website.

Additional Services

Editing services

Content nowadays is the key component of any website.


Information representation profoundly influences website popularity and traffic.

Website is a compulsory attribute of every modern company.

Services and pricing

  • Material search, its compilation and as a result creation of unique texts - so-called copywriting*, for a page (1800 characters with spaces)
    Price - 1250 rub.
  • The creation of copyrighted texts based on provided by the customer materials, for a page (1800 characters with spaces)
    Стоимость - 2500 rub.
  • The creation of unique texts paraphrasing the existing material - rewriting**, for a page (1800 characters with spaces)
    Стоимость - 2500 rub.
  • Proofreading services, for a page (1800 characters with spaces)
    Price - 1190 руб.
  • Editor’s alteration, for a page (1800 characters with spaces)
    Price - 1390 руб.
  • Translation, for a page (1800 characters with spaces))
    Price - 3500 руб.




* Copywriting means the compiling of advertising texts (including so-called “selling” texts, image texts or texts for the purposes of representation).

Copywriting in the sphere of web development - the creation of unique texts for websites (for other spheres except the Internet this statement is not appropriate).

The main objectives of copywriting are:

  • To formulate the advantages of advertised products and services in a short, intelligible and graphical way.
  • To create eye-catching, vivid and attractive for the customers advertising concept which is to include selling proposition.
  • To cause the interest of a potential customer in offered products and services so that the customers are guided by an advertising text to purchase a product, to make a call, to visit a place or to click the hyperlink
  • Copywriting types:
  • Direct-response copywriting. The main purpose of Direct-response copywriting is to motivate the potential customer who is reading the advertising to purchase a product here and now
  • Image copywriting. The main purpose is to consolidate clients’ positive notion of a company trade mark.

**Rewriting — сis the creation of unique texts by a SEO copywriter (Search engine optimization) paraphrasing the source materials: news, articles and other resources. To the main rewriting quality criteria may be referred the uniqueness of the rewritten texts as well as informative and notional preservation of the original text.

To the main objectives of rewriting may be referred the following:

  • To write unique texts for Internet pages. This kind of services is foremost actual in the sphere of SEO.
  • To change the style of the existing text and to recast the content into its less complex and brief version.


About company

Continually optimizing the business processes and constantly improving the quality of websites we develope, we exert every effort to ensure that our clients are satisfied with the cooperation with Dorifor company.


Address: 8 Lobanova str., Moscow

Phone: + 7 (495) 933 6845/46

E-mail: info@dorifor.ru

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Any use of materials from the website www.dorifor.ru is allowed only with the permission of the copyright owner.