Everything about websites
Dorifor offers the following services in the sphere of web development: website creation; Web portal, web stores, B2B development; technical support; web hosting and maintenance; software development; server platforms localization; Intranet and Extranet development.
Dorifor provides services in website assessment. Our specialists conduct the assessment of the existing website. According to the assessment results we compose a commercial offer of website modernization which includes redesign, functionality improvement and active website promotion.
Dorifor offers Search engine optimization, Search engine marketing and e-Marketing services. Providing these services we apply modern technologies and our long-term expertise.
Dorifor conducts presentations and work meetings to demonstrate the client the technologies used by our company for website creation and to discuss in detail the future projects. The meeting may take place either at our office or at our client office at any prearranged time.
Website creation or modernization we consider as the first step of the cooperation with our potential clients. Developing the first cost-effective project we demonstrate the quality of our services. Thereafter proceeding from this successful experience our customers may address our company to develop greater projects.
Further you can see examples of websites of standard type, their functionality abilities and prices.
Standard websites
LANDING PAGE - 99 900 rub.
A website «Landing page» is the most compact and inexpensive* type of websites. As real visiting cards represent their owners, websites «Landing page» brief information about the company. Websites «Landing page» being a good choice for companies of different scale, experience and expertise solve the task of company representation.
The website «Landing page» includes:
- Website including the following sections: About us, Pricing, Contacts and Feedback form.
- Design development.
- Filling the website with the information about the company (The Customer provides the content for the website).
- We provide the Customer with the access to CMR so that the Customer has an opportunity to manage the website independently.
- We install website traffic statistics counter Liveinternet.ru for free.
- Free of charge website hosting for 14 days.
*Pattern design is being developed basing on a template. We add customer’s photo or a collage into website header and change template color according to customer preferences. Pattern design development does not include graphical photo modification and photos selection in the Internet.
If your business is growing increase your company recognition creating informative website. This website contains the information about your company, services, contact information and price-list.
Informative website includes:
- Website creation (up to 100 pages including the following sections: About us, Pricing, Contacts, Feedback form, News and Services).
- Website structure map.
- Design development**.
- Filling the website with the information about your company (The Customer provides the content for the website).
- We provide the Customer with the access to the Content Management system so that the Customer has an opportunity to manage the website independently.
- We install website traffic statistics counter Liveinternet.ru for free.
- Two hours-long training “How to work with the Content Management System”.
- Free of charge website hosting for 60 days.
CORPORATE WEBSITE – 169 900 руб.
Corporate website is a website with remote control system. Now you will not have to address the specialists or search for additional software to update data on your website. Convenient system of remote control will let you to manage your price-list and catalog by yourself being at your office or at home.
Corporate website development process includes:
- Website creation up to 200 pages with Content Management System including the following sections: About us, Pricing, Contacts, Feedback form, News, Image gallery, Data files and Website navigation map
- The catalogue with Content Management System (an executor creates the catalogue structure; the customer fills the tables with the information). The function of product ordering is not included
- Website structure map
- Navigation bar
- An opportunity to add website Search engine
- Design development
- Filling the website with the information about the company (The Customer provides the content for the website)
- Filling in the product catalogue - up to 50 commodity items
- We provide the Customer with the access to the Content Management system so that the Customer may manage the website independently
- We install website traffic statistics counter Liveinternet.ru for free
- Two hours-long training “How to work with the Content Management System”.
- Free of charge website hosting for 60 days.
INTERNET STORE – 199 900 руб.
This type of websites is a “must have” for every company intending to create a tool to facilitate the development of the whole business. Internet store includes e-catalogue of products which provides website visitors with detailed information about company products and services. It also includes a shopping cart and the services for orders making and processing.
Internet store development process includes:
- Website creation up to 400 pages with Content Management System including the following sections: About us, Price list as attached file, Contacts, Feedback form and News
- The catalogue with Content Management System (an executor creates the catalogue structure, the Customer fills the tables with the information) and shopping cart
- Website structure map
- Navigation bar
- An opportunity to add website Search engine
- Catalogue search engine
- Design development
- Filling in the website pages with the information about the company (The Customer provides the content for the website)
- Filling in the product catalogue - up to 100 commodity items
- We provide the Customer with the access to the Content Management System so that the Customer may manage the website independently
- Two hours-long training “How to work in the Content Management System”
- Website management and maintenance manual (guidance)
- We install website traffic statistics counter Liveinternet.ru for free
- Google Analytics installation (analytical tool)
- Free of charge website hosting for 60 days)
The cost of described above standart projects covers the creation of 1 (one) web design concept.
The alterations which may be implemented into the web design concept:
- Font size, style and color of headers and texts.
- Renaming and sequence alteration of menu-items.
- Menu-items removal.
- Menu-items addition in case when the addition does not cause changes and shifting of other design elements and information blocks.
- Color palette alteration within the tints used in layout (darker or lighter).
- Alteration of symbolic elements of the website (telephone number, address, slogan and etc.) if there are such elements. The alteration is accomplished in case that it does not cause modification or replacement of other elements of website design and informational blocks.
Specific project development
Besides standard projects Dorifor develops specific projects. Specific projects are based on exclusive design, unique navigation system and special functionality defined by the Customer.
The process of specific website development is divided into two steps:
The first step is to create a Project statement . Contract parties sign an agreement for Project statement creation. The main objective of Project statement creation is to provide full description of the project based on exclusive design and functionality. The whole process of Project statement development is carried out in close cooperation with customers.
The price for exclusive website development and project statement creation is – from 199 900 rub.
The second step is website development. In compliance with adopted and approved by the customer project statement which includes the defined ultimate price and execution period the parties sign website development agreement.
Technical support and hosting
Having created a new website we offer our Clients a set of services aimed to provide its constant uninterrupted operation.
« Basic» rate includes:
- Web hosting
- Disk space volume up to 1500 megabyte
- Server type – standard
- Server loading – up to 50 CP* per day
- The access to updating system
- Website maintenance (pages filling) – up to 10 pages+10 photographs
- Domain management. The services include: the control that the domain name registration is timely extended.
- Antivirus protection. The services include: website operation monitoring; defining, preventing and timely removal of malware which may cause website operation failure.
- Backup and data storage. The service includes: weekly website archiving and the storage of backup copies within 3 months.
- Website operation control. The service includes: uninterrupted monitoring of website operation and website recovery in case of a functional failure.
- Website restoration. The service includes: the restoration of a website in case of functional failure, total or partial data loss, website disoperation, partial or total website removal caused by virus programs, hacker attacks and etc.
- Statistics. The service includes: Submission of statistics data concerning the usage of web server processor time, submission of notifications concerning the necessity of rate substitution in case when the defined limits of a particular rate are exceeded.
The price – 2 900 rub. per month.
«Standard» rate includes:
- Web hosting
- Disk space volume up to 2500 megabyte
- Server type – VIP*
- Server loading – up to 200 CP** per day
- The access to updating system
- Website maintenance (pages filling) – up to 40 pages+40 photographs
- Website maintenance (pages filling) – up to 10 pages+10 photographs
- Domain management. The services include: the control that the domain name registration is timely extended.
- Antivirus protection. The services include: website operation monitoring; defining, preventing and timely removal of malware which may cause website operation failure.
- Backup and data storage. The service includes: weekly website archiving and the storage of backup copies within 3 months.
- Website operation control. The service includes: uninterrupted monitoring of website operation and website recovery in case of a functional failure.
- Website restoration. The service includes: the restoration of a website in case of functional failure, total or partial data loss, website disoperation, partial or total website removal caused by virus programs, hacker attacks and etc.
- Statistics. The service includes: Submission of statistics data concerning the usage of web server processor time, submission of notifications concerning the necessity of rate substitution in case when the defined limits of a particular rate are exceeded.
The price – 11 900 rub. per month.
«Business» rate includes:
- Web hosting
- Disk space volume up to 5000 megabyte
- Server type – VIP*
- Server loading – up to 350 СР** per day
- The access to updating system
- Website maintenance (pages filling) – up to 240 pages+240 photographs
- Domain management. The services include: the control that the domain name registration is timely extended.
- Antivirus protection. The services include: website operation monitoring; defining, preventing and timely removal of malware which may cause website operation failure.
- Backup and data storage. The service includes: weekly website archiving and the storage of backup copies within 3 months.
- Website operation control. The service includes: uninterrupted monitoring of website operation and website recovery in case of a functional failure.
- Website restoration. The service includes: the restoration of a website in case of functional failure, total or partial data loss, website disoperation, partial or total website removal caused by virus programs, hacker attacks and etc.
- Statistics. The service includes: Submission of statistics data concerning the usage of web server processor time, submission of notifications concerning the necessity of rate substitution in case when the defined limits of a particular rate are exceeded.
The price – 42 900 rub. per month.
The given prices are adjusted for taxation